Think about a great idea you got recently. Can you derive where it came from? Perhaps you have experienced a time when an idea came to you from a mystical place you can not easily explain.
Ideas seem to come from another place than ourselves. I do not mean another place like from copying techniques(I do that a lot too) or getting inspired by other creators. I mean that ideas seem to come from nowhere or another world, or seem to be given by fate.
Can I call my ideas “my” ideas then? I don’t know but I don’t have to feel like they are mine. I want there to exist music that I enjoy, and being a conduit for that music makes me fulfilled.
This quote is doubly fitting because I can not find evidence that Nikola Tesla actually said this. Where then, did the original quote come from?
It is common to have questions as titles for articles and to then leave that question open. I will actually answer the question and give my genuine belief as to where ideas come from. I think ideas are given by higher existences, whether that be spirits, deities, or something more abstract like a universal soul.
Can you tell me where you think ideas come from?
Well the video is undoubtedly creative. I have many little notebooks like the one in the video full of little notes and drawings. The video is humorous and maybe a bit cynical but there is some deeper truth to the part about the muse.